Fill Day 

Your Pool Gets Water

Our pool experts will be on site to ensure your equipment is ready to be turned on

While we’re checking your equipment, we will be asking for wifi information to be able to connect to your iAquaLink (Only if you have the automated system)

Once we have connected to your system and the pool is filled, we will turn the equipment on.

Starting Up System

To be able to control your system through a mobil device you will first need to download the iAquaLink app

Once you open the app, proceed to register an account

After your account is created it will require a system to control, you will then click on the + sign on the top right corner

Click on the AquaLink RS, PDA, Z4/TRi option

Your Device Number will be located on the side of your iAquaLink Device near your equipment setup. ( Input the Number Exactly as shown XXX-XXX-XXX-XXX)

Once you’re connected to your system, you will  be shown your main functions screen. Here you will be able to turn your pool pump on and off, and also add customized modes.

At the very top right corner of your screen you will see a button that says Web, Clicking on this will bring you to the back end of your system settings.

While in the Web section you will be able to adjust the speed of your pump, create schedules, Customize OneTouch buttons which can be added to the first home page you see when opening the app. 

There are many things that can be changed in the back end settings but for the first 30 Days your pool will run 24/7 at a default speed in order to filter out the plaster dust or any other debris.

What You Need To Know For The Next 30 Days

Although you can explore the app and play with your pool settings, it is highly recommended to keep the pump running at all times, we want to filter out as much as possible so your pool system is going to be working overtime.

We will not turn on the heater during the start up, so we placed a bypass in the pipes so that during the 30 days the pool will just skip over any heaters you might have.

We will turn on the heater after the 30 days are over. When we bring the salt and get your filters clean, then we will open the bypass to the heater and turn it on.

When brushing your pool, push from shallow end to deep end towards the main drain. Its recommended to brush twice a day for faster results, but you will want to brush at least once a day for the next 30 days.

We will provide you with a manual vacuum head and hose but you will not be able to use during the 30 days, after the 30 days you are free to use the vacuum during your pool cleaning routine.

We bring a bottle of metal out with us and it will be poured into your pool before we leave, this is not  going to be part of your cleaning routine. We pour it on new pools to get any metals in the water filtered out.

30 Day Routine

Maintenance Lesson

On fill day we will arrive with a pool start up kit which consist of…

  • Pole with Net & Brush

  • 1 Bottle of Metal Out

  • Vacuum head & hose with attachment to skimmer

  • 4 Bottles of Muriatic Acid

  • Testing Strips

  • And Chlorine Tablets

The Muriatic Acid and Chlorine tablets we provide might run out so make sure to have some stocked up for when it does to not miss a day.

With all these essentials you will be able to fully take care of your swimming pool

Your job for the first 30 days will be brushing, skimming, checking your water balance and regularly checking your pump and skimmer baskets for debris.

This will be your routine for the first 30 days 

First check your pools water balance with the test strips. 

At first the results will be way off, you task will be to get it stable over time. Test the water for pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, and metals. Record your results to see the progression of your pools balance. High Alkalinity should be adjusted to 80 ppm using Muriatic Acid (31% - 33% Hydrochloric Acid). Low alkalinity should be adjusted to 80 ppm using sodium bicarbonate (baking soda).pH should be reduced to between 7.2 and 7.6 by adding  Muriatic Acid if the alkalinity is already 80-100 ppm.

Go by the test strips results when adding acid, add about a quart of acid daily if it’s reading too high. Check back the next day and repeat the process if needed. You will have plenty of time before salt goes in to balance out the water.

Add the Muriatic Acid in the deep end of the pool and make sure your pump is on so that it circulates in the water. It is best that you make your cleaning routine when you know no one will be getting in the water soon. You will want to wait about 6-8 hours after adding the acid  before getting in, this is to make sure it is fully diluted so it cause no harm to you while swimming.

When brushing start at the shallow end of your pool and push downwards to the main drain. For the first two weeks try to brush the walls of your pool. It’s recommended to brush twice a day to get the dust out quicker but at least once a day is necessary.

Your equipment must be on at all times during brushing.

 If you have a spa then when it's time to brush the spa you must switch the mode from pool to spa. In spa mode only the water in the spa is circulated, this allows what you brush to be pumped through the filter. Once your spa is brushed put the system back into pool mode.

Your pool’s return should be placed at a certain angle to form a circulation of water in your pool, this helps the debris on the surface of your pool to be pushed into the skimmer.

Check your skimmer baskets when you’re doing your maintenance

Before your check, your filter pump basket turns off the system, once it’s off you can then check inside for debris. Then when you’re done close the lid and turn it back on.

Repeat this routine daily, note once your water is balanced you won’t be worried about adding acid to it just by brushing and cleaning. 

After the first week, you can start adding chlorine tablets to the skimmers. Check the test strips to see how much you need if any.

After the 30 days, we will be back to add salt to your pool, turn on your heater, go over any questions you might have, and give you a tutorial on how to clean your system. The filters will be very dirty after 30 days since they filtered out all the new plaster dust and construction debris.